What makes Beyond Stigma’s work different is that all of our work is evidence-informed. In this space you will find research developed and published by us as well as a compilation of external research articles

Ferris France, N. et al
Macdonald SH.F. et al
References to other research using IBSR: The Work of Byron Katie for health
1. Nye FA. The Work of Byron Katie: The effect of applying principles of inquiry on the reduction of perceived stress. Dissertation Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. 2011.
2. Leufke R, Zilcha-Mano S, Feld A, Lev-Ari S. Effects of “The Work” Meditation on
Psychopathologic Symptoms: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2013; 147-152. (doi: 10.1089/act.2013.19303).
3. Lev-ari S, Zilcha-Mano S, Rivo L, Geva R , Ron I. A prospective pilot clinical trial of "The Work" meditation technique for survivors of breast cancer. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2013; 5(6): 487-494. [doi:10.1016/j.eujim.2013.07.003).
4. Landau C, Lev-Ari S, Cohen-Mansfield J, Tillinger E, Geva R, Tarrasch R, Mitnik I, Friedman E. Randomized controlled trial of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction (IBSR) technique for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Psychooncology. 2014 Oct 18. (doi: 10.1002/pon.3703).
5. Smernoff E, Mitnik I, Kolodner K, Lev-Ari S. The Effects of "The Work" Meditation (Byron Katie) on Psychological Symptoms and Quality of Life-A Pilot Clinical Study. Explore (NY). 2014 Oct 22. pii: S1550-8307(14)00206-7. (doi: 10.1016/j).
6. Mitnik I, Lev-Ari S. The Effects of The Work meditation technique on psychological scales among a non-clinical sample, Harefuah. January 2015.
7. France, N. F., Macdonald, S. H. F., Conroy, R. R., Chiroro, P., Cheallaigh, D. N., Nyamucheta, M., Mapanda, B., Shumba, G., Mudede, D., & Byrne, E. (2019). ‘We are the change’: An innovative community-based response to address self-stigma: A pilot study focusing on people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. PLoS ONE, 14(2), e02101552.
8. Gaanderse, J. (2013). Leren relativeren: Geef een positieve wending aan je gedachten—Praktische handleiding voor cognitieve mindfulness priming therapie. Amsterdam: Swp, Uitgeverij B.V.
9. Jundt, T. (2017). Effects of an IBSR—inquiry-based stress reduction intervention on contingencies of self-worth. (Unpublished thesis). University of Mannheim, Germany.
10.Krispenz, A. & Dickhauser, O. (2018). Effects of an inquiry-based short intervention on test anxiety in comparison to alternate coping strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(201).
11. Krispenz, A. & Dickhauser, O. (2019). Reduction of chronic stress and trait anxiety by inquiry of cognitive appraisals with the inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) method. Open Psychology, 1, 185-199.
12. Krispenz, A. & Dickhauser, O. (2016). That’s stressful—"Is it true?”—Lasting reduction of chronic stress and trait anxiety through questioning of stressful cognitions. Paper presented at the 50th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Leipzig, Germany.
13. Krispenz, A., Gort, C., Schultke, L., & Dickhauser, O. (2019). How to reduce text anxiety and academic procrastination through inquiry of cognitive appraisals: A pilot study investigating the role of academic self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1917).
14. Landau, C., Lev-Ari, S., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Tillinger, E., Geva, R., Tarrasch, R., Mitnik, I, & Friedman, E. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) technique for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Psycho-oncology, 24, 726-731.
15. Luff, J. & Ledingham, M. (2017). Exploring inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) as a counselling intervention. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS).
16. Mitnik, I. & Lev-ari, S. (2015). The effects of “The Work” meditation technique on psychological scales among a non-clinical sample. Harefuah, 154(1), 16-20.
17. Schnaider-Levi, L., Mitnik, I., Zafrani, K., Goldman, Z., & Lev-ari, S. (2017). Inquiry-based stress reduction meditation technique for teacher burnout: A qualitative study. Mind, Brain, and Education, 11(2), 75-84.
18. Schnaider-Levi, L., Zafrani, K., Goldman, Z., Mitnik, I., & Lev-ari, S. (under review). Controlled trial of the inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) meditation technique for teachers’ burnout. Tel Aviv University.
19. Smernoff, E., Mitnik, I., & Lev-ari, S. (2019). The effects of inquiry-based stress reduction (IBSR) on mental health and well-being among a non-clinical sample. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 34, 30-34.